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Gokyo Lake in Everest region Trekking

“Gokyo Lake in Everest region Trekking”

Bonjour Durga Tamang, Tout s’est bien passé à Katmandou, nous avons pu prendre le temps de visiter la ville tranquillement. Nous sommes rentrés un peu fatigués du trek mais nous sommes contents, c’était vraiment une bonne expérience et nous sommes ravis d’avoir fait la connaissance de tes enfants qui sont tous gentils et attentionnés. Merci pour tout. Je crois que pour Pemba c’était un peu dur d’être sherpa et il a été courageux! Birkha nous a tous bien aidé aussi, nous avons senti son expérience de la montagne et de la randonnée. Je garde un excellent souvenir de la famille Tamang et j’espère que nous resterons en contact. Bien Amicalement Hélène Theodori et sa famille

Review By: Hélène Theodori et sa famille, Trekking, France

Posted on: May 06, 2024

Tamang Heritage Trekking

“Tamang Heritage Trekking”

Dear Durga-- I hope this note finds you and your lovely family well. Happy New Year! Thank you very much for your good wishes a few weeks back. We all had covid in my family, and we are only just getting back on our feet. I hope things are well for you and for your touring business. I have told lots of friends about my trip and how much I enjoyed the tour you arranged for me. Please give my very best wishes to your family-- I have wonderful memories of my visits with them. Your wife's cooking was DELICIOUS and all of your children were very friendly. I enjoyed speaking with them all-- the number of languages your children speak is amazing! When your wife gave me some tsampa so I could make it for myself at home, I felt so grateful. This is my experiences feedback with you in the season with me. Happy New Year and all best wishes in 2024 Sincerely, Jennifer

Review By: Jennifer, Australia

Posted on: November 02, 2023

Everest Base Camp Trekking

“Everest Base Camp Trekking”

Hello, Durga my friend. The trek was an amazing experience and despite having to shorten the trip we both are grateful for the experience. Both Krisna and Nyima were a big part of the reason that we had a great experience. Nyima is very likable and charming and we were lucky to have her along. I think Linda thinks of her as a daughter. And her English is very good! I hope all is well with you and your family. Give our best to Krisna and Nyima Chomo. All in all a fantastic experience I'd recommend to anyone looking for a bit of adventure.  David William Merrifield 

Review By: David William Merrifield, United States

Posted on: May 02, 2022

Everest Base Camp Trek

“Everest Base Camp Trek”

Namaste Tamang, I think Pasang is a really good guide, just a must take more attention for the most powerless person in a group. The guide has the responsibility for the tourist, and must be so slow during Trekking like the last person, Pasang went sometimes faster than us. I just took my time and rested when I needed to. If you are looking to travel in this region I highly recommend Himalayan Unforgettable Adventure.

Review By: Ayu Mielke, Germany

Posted on: April 02, 2022

World Heritage side exploring  Temples in Nepal

“World Heritage side exploring Temples in Nepal”

Orginally I wanted to do some trekking but having only 14 days, I wanted to see Temples and World Heritage locations too, like where Buddha was born, so with Durga's help decided to do the 10 day "Exploring Hertiage side" and with the 4 extra days I had Durga came up with a wonderful itinerary that surpassed anything I could of thought of. Being a solo traveler, usually it takes 2 people for the tour, still Durga made a way for me to have a very capable guide, (thanks Dawa) and all my days were filled with wonderful sights, food and insights about the local people that call Nepal home. Still buzzing with the dizzying exploration from the crazy but somehow flowing traffic & bus rides, interacting with Nepal people and how they live, to the awe inspiring mountains and Temples. I am grateful, Thank you, Namaste

Review By: Gary Michael Clark, United States

Posted on: November 11, 2019

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